1 arrows of desire - next time you see something you might feel tempted to buy, or wish you could own - photograph it instead. look at it after in your phone and congratulate yourself for 'owning it'.
2 catch the wind - on a windy day photograph a flag or a waving blossom. take more than one shot. shoot when your subject is not where you want it - if you try to shoot what you see it will be gone. shoot into the future
3 make it move - take a photograph of something stationary but move the camera while you take it. take more than one shot. allow the accidents. look in a week's time and, if you like, discard what does not appeal to you.
4 shoot up - no not with a needle - point your camera to the sky - through leaves, towards jet trails
5 pretend you don't know what it it - shoot your subject as if you have no idea what it is. maybe you don't even know where it starts and ends.
6 take a bad photo - shoot something really dull, shoot your feet.
7 frame it 'wrongly'
8 shoot out the corner of your eye - really just hold the camera up at the edge of your vision and fire
9 pay attention to diagonals - for no good reason
10 listen for a sound - turn and shoot whatever's there without looking to check what it is first
some guide lines:
a soften your eyes
b if you find yourself idly staring, shoot
c be innocently open to what you your attention is drawn to - opinonlessly shoot