there is a wonderful TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert about creativity. in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, creativity was seen not as a human property but as a 'divine attendant spirit' called a 'daemon' or 'genius'. 'genius' here not as we see it today - a property of a certain individual - but a 'magical divine entity' who would visit the artist. and she tells a great anecdote about the songwriter Tom Waits being visited by an exquisite tune while driving somewhere with no pencil or paper and shouting to the heavens through the windshield of the car - 'can't you see I'm busy? go visit someone else!'
to which I am tempted to say - 'you are Tom Waits - always have your journal, man!' but that's not the point of the talk, or this blog post
for me the camera is always there, unless the battery has run I have no excuse but to obey. (hm, I have a story about one day with no camera...perhaps it will get told in a separate post).
and there I was today stomping along the main drag in Victoria with the lunch time crowd and impatient as the rest for the green pedestrian light to switch on when what do I see just as the light turns but this inconvenient but charming visitation.